
To Blog Or Not To Blog?

While some websites may not require a blog adding a personal touch or personal service could bring in more business, on a personal level. Blogs are for developing relationships with visitors and they can help get better exposure with search engines. However, the personal nature of most blogs and their typical diary-style design can make it hard for website owners to see how exactly a blog would fit into their site.

What’s important, is not the blog itself, but the act of blogging, which is nothing more than putting up interesting new content on a frequent basis. The new content of a blog is what keeps visitors (and search engines) coming back to blogs. So you as a site owner need to ask yourself this question: “Can you come up with relevant and interesting content that can be updated frequently?

News about your company or organization is perfect blogging material to get you started. Letting your visitors know about your current or up-and-coming products and services are bits of relevant information you can share with your visitors.

You can expand on more information to include trends that affect your industry offering a load of potential topics for blogging; the implications of a new study on working out; how an article in a magazine about auto insurance might impact your visitors.

I have listed some other ideas for blogging on a website. These topics involve constantly changing content:

  • Press releases
  • Articles
  • Tips
  • Features of the week
  • Testimonials
  • Case studies

If you decide to have a blog on your site, be sure to use it. Having a blank blog or finding that your last blog was posted four or five-month ago will give a negative impression of your blog and website.

Keep your blogging simple and as easy as possible. If you can add one new item to your website every couple of weeks, that’s often enough for visitors and for search engines to keep returning.